Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Homemade Sand Art


I loved making sand art when I was a kid.
My daughter enjoys it too. She likes to see
how it turns out, each one is always different.
Instead of going out and buying a sand art kit,
here is a simple way to make your own with
household items.


Materials Needed:

Epsom Salt
Food Coloring
Small Plastic Bags
Acrylic Paint (if you want to paint the lid)
Pour the Epsom salt into the small plastic bags.
I filled the bags about 1/4 of the way full, if you
want to do multiple jars add more salt.
Add food coloring to the Epsom salt. The more
drops you add the more opaque your color
will be. I used about 8-10 of each color.
Seal the bag & shake. If your color isn't bright
enough, add some more drops & shake again.

Repeat this step with a different color in each
of your bags. Now you're ready to make sand art!
Pour a little sand from each bag in any order
you choose until your jar is full. Pour the sand
unevenly rather than layer on top of layer.
Now your sand art is complete!!

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